A step in the right direction
A reply to The Australian article, ‘Aussie bank in talks on Timor gas pipeline’. 19 September 2019
Why doesn’t Australia understand that a basic element of business is building bridges and that you don’t strong-arm your friends or business partners?
The objective of the new Australian Infrastructure Financing Facility for the Pacific (AIFFP), is to “Step-up Australia's Pacific engagement”, and is a positive move towards engagement with our Pacific neighbours.
Sound business relationships are built on trust and mutually beneficial objectives and results. Working together to help our friendly neighbours become secure and prosperous is in our mutual best interests. Furthermore, it seems only reasonable for Timor-Leste to have guarantees of confidentiality to protect their interests; a basic requirement with any business arrangement.
The Timor pipeline development may well be Australia’s last chance to achieve increased engagement and helping our friendly neighbour. As Mr Howard, we have an ’ongoing obligation’ to help Timor-Leste, and because as the AIFFP media release says, we are ‘a partner and friend’ to the region.
Our main point of friction seems to be the Witness K case, which, according to media reports, much of the Australian electorate wants dropped. Only a day before PM Morrison arrived in Dili for the 20th-anniversary of Timor-Leste’s independence, a demonstration was attended by hundreds of Timorese calling for Australia to drop the case. Xanana Gusmão even has said he will appear as a witness. There appears to be no political reason, nor popular support, to continue the case.
Australia has held so much goodwill in Timor-Leste for so many years. The Timorese cheered our peacekeeping troops on the streets.
The Morrison Government has recently put an array of positive measures in place between our two nations: the AIFFP, the new maritime security agreement which includes the gift of two new Guardian-class patrol boats and a new wharf, and the Timor Sea fibre optic cable. These initiatives take our relationship in the right direction and must be applauded.