An open letter to all decision makers of Timor-Leste

The East Timor Trading Group was founded by my wife, Neelo, and I on principles of equality, inclusiveness and fairness. 

As a significant employer in Timor-Leste, we have always been aware that hundreds of lives depend on our responsible and careful management so that our employees remain in secure employment. 

The coronavirus pandemic is challenging businesses around the world. Economies are crashing. Community confidence is in a desperate situation and lockdowns across the globe are forcing business to shut down, many possibly permanently.

The East Timor Trading Group has weathered storms in Timor-Leste before. We intend to survive this storm too, but it is different. To survive this, we, and I expect many other tourism and hospitality-based business like us, need urgent assistance and would like to clarify three issues because this will be a long road to recovery: 

First, we wish to work with you, the decision makers, to find solutions so that Timorese people remain employed.

Second, in this time of crisis and reduced economic activity we would like to know if the government can offer any assistance to business, just as other governments around the world are doing for their private sectors.

Third, we would like to know if employees could be given access to funds in their Social Security Contributory Scheme. That money can then enter the economy and contribute to some degree of stabilisation. 

Many private sector businesses will not survive this period if left alone to fend for themselves. I strongly believe that. We are open to, and request, urgent, open conversations about saving jobs during this crisis.

As a small nation, we are blessed to currently have no cases of covid-19. But, our employees are very concerned and question what will happen when a shutdown occurs, which based on events in other countries, is quite likely.

Timor-Leste leadership and businesses have an opportunity now to protect and strengthen the economy. However, this would require a bi-partisan approach by decision makers. I urge all leaders to put politics aside. Let’s work together during these critical days.

Yours faithfully

Sakib Awan

Chair, East Timor Trading Group


Cooperation & Economic Recovery in Timor-Leste


Don't Worry, Be Happy