The case against Witness K and Bernard Collaery

Having lived and worked in Timor-Leste for more than 15 years, I am deeply concerned about the prosecution of Witness K and Bernard Collaery. 

To bug the Prime Minister of Timor-Leste’s office for commercial gain was outrageous and I believe to call our government out on this was the ethical response this action demanded. Australia has always been held in such high esteem by the Timorese people, but this single action put at risk this decades-long relationship.

I have requested more detail from the Australian Labor Party and The Greens on two specific questions:

  1. Do the Greens and Labor agree with the government that the actions of Witness K and Bernard Collaery constitute a threat to national security? If so, would they explain the nature of that threat?

  2. Given the growing disquiet about the wisdom of the prosecution itself, from the public and selected politicians, and the process of the case so far, do the Greens and Labor intend to take specific steps to oppose the government on this issue? If so, when will that opposition begin?

I am looking forward to a response to these questions.


A Call to Action for Kashmir


The 'Happy in Timor-Leste' video